Lunedì 3 e giovedì 6 febbraio alle ore 15, nell'Aula Frege del Plesso di via D'Azeglio (via D'Azeglio 85, Unità di Filosofia - terzo piano), Núria Sara Miras Boronat (Università  di Barcellona) terrà due lezioni dedicate al tema Feminism, Pragmatism and the Political: Reviewing the Genealogy.

L'evento rientra tra le attività formative del Dottorato in Scienze filologico-letterarie, storico-filosofiche e artistiche coordinato da Italo Testa.

Per informazioni:

Philosophical pragmatism owes a lot to the women who devoted their energies to the amelioration of society, especially those who were present in its foundation as Jane Addams, Charlotte Perkins Gilman or Anna Julia Cooper. Unfortunately, the genealogy of pragmatism pays less attention to the works of those women who contributed to the movement. The course aims to review the official historiography and discuss not only how their writings are to enrich the historiographical canon, but also to regain their ideas to better understand the political challenges of the future.


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