Academic Year 2024-25

Extensive courses: registration 

To enroll in extensive courses, write to and by March 16. 

Please specify: 

  • name and surname 
  • student number (matricola) 
  • Italian language courses attended at UNIPR (group, instructor, modality) 
  • level of Italian language 
  • if you prefer online or on-campus modality 
  • attach your Study Plan/Learning Agreement 

Days and times 

Days and times will be communicated via email by March 21. 

Courses start from March 24. 

Intensive Italian language courses start on February 10 and finish on March 7.  

Extensive Italian language courses start on March 24 and finish on May 16. 

The courses are held online and on campus (you have to choose one modality). 

Students with the exam already present in their Study Plan/Learning Agreement have the priority.

Information about Italian Courses for Foreigners

The Italian language courses are free of charge and specifically tailored for: 

  • Erasmus students in all degree courses; 
  • foreign students, PhD students, and researchers taking part in International Study Programmes; 
  • foreign students attending our university. 

The Italian language courses take place during the first and the second semester. They are organised in: 

  • Intensive courses (LIS I – all levels), beginning in September (1st semester) and February (2nd semester); - of the duration of 4 weeks 
  • Extensive courses (LIS II – all levels), beginning in October (1st semester) and March (2nd semester); - of the duration of 8 weeks 
  • Self-study course (LIS III), completely online (only 2nd semester). 

Registration and attendance 

The registration to the courses is mandatory. The enrollment procedures are published on this web page approximately 3 weeks before the start of the courses.
Before starting an Italian language course, you need to take the Entry/Placement Test in order to place you in the appropriate group. 
Absolute beginners do not need to take the Entry/Placement test. They have to contact Maria Chiara Aielli, Giorgia Bassani, and Giulia Costa.

The on campus classes take place in D’Azeglio street/ Kennedy street. The online classes take place via MS Teams
In both cases is strictly recommended the use of Elly platform

In the final exam, students are tested on their written and oral comprehension, language use (mainly based on grammar and vocabulary), and writing skills. There is not a speaking test.
Only the students who participate in the course (70% minimum) can take the final exam. All the necessary information (day, time, room, topics, etc.) is provided during the course by the teacher. 

The exam codes are:

Erasmus students 


International students 

  • LINGUA ITALIANA PER STRANIERI (competenze trasversali) > 1007100 (3 ECTS + 3 ECTS) 

Students enrolled in the Language Sciences and Cultural Studies for Special Needs Master’s degree course 

  • LINGUA ITALIANA PER STRANIERI (integrato) > 1009703 (4 ECTS + 4 ECTS + 4 ECTS) 

IMPORTANT! In order to receive ECTS, the Italian language exams must be approved in your Study Plan/Learning Agreement!
Moreover, students with the exam already present in their Study Plan/Learning Agreement have the priority. All the others will be placed in the groups until full.

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