Ingresso Unità di Filosofia

Continuing in the study and teaching tradition of the previous institutions (the Department of Philosophy and the Philosophical area of the A.L.E.F. Department), Philosophy supports the scientific and academic cooperation of professors and researchers through:

  1. the organisation of national and international conferences, the participation in common projects callings for bids for national and international research financing and the publication of scientific works as a result of the constant exchange of ideas and methodologies, and;
  2. Teaching within the first cycle degree course of Philosophical Studies, the second cycle degree course of Philosophy (Inter-University) and in the Research Doctorate course in Philological-Literary, Historical-Philosophical and Artistic Sciences.

The Unit aims at promoting highly specialised scientific research and, at the same time, research open to inter-disciplinary exchanges within our University and in cooperation with national and international University and research Centres.

It favours communication and sharing of philosophical culture through the magazines “Noctua” and “La società degli individui”, innovation in the teaching of philosophy and the development of the passion for intellectual studies also through the students involvement in seminar, conventions and publications. It strives to achieve competence in teaching both in secondary schools and for A-18 “Philosophy and Human Sciences” and A-19 “Philosophy and History” class ratings. It promotes  the continuation of research activity in public and private institutions and, the commitment to the Third Mission through projects for students and professors of secondary schools. 

Services and Facilities

Corridoio Unità di Filosofia

L'Unità di Filosofia si avvale delle strutture del Plesso di via D'Azeglio. Gli studi dei docenti e del personale tecnico-amministrativo occupano principalmente l'ala destra del 2° piano e il 3° piano.

In particolare sono disponibili in sede la Sezione di Filosofia della , con 52 posti di lettura, e un laboratorio informatico.

The Philosophy Unit utilises the structures of the Via D’Azeglio Complex. The professors’ offices and those of the technical/administrative staff can be found in the right wing on the 2nd and 3rd floor.

The Philosophy section of the Paolotti Humanities Library includes a reading room with 52 seats and a computer laboratory.

Course Catalogue

The following degree courses are related to the Philosophy Unit of the Department of Humanities, Social Sciences and Cultural Industries:

  • First Cycle Degree Course in
    Philosophical studies
    (Class L-5)
  • Second Cycle Degree Course (Inter-University) in
    (Class LM-78)
    This course is offered in collaboration with the University of Ferrara and the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia. The administrative offices are in Parma.
    Thanks to this Inter-University cooperation, many different courses are currently available. Students can choose whether to attend lessons in Parma or to enrich their programme with lessons from other Universities. In order to facilitate participation, online sources are also available. These will complement, but not replace, the traditional academic programme.

A Research Doctorate course in Philological-Literary, Historical-Philosophical and Artistic Sciences is also available.

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Torri dei Paolotti


The Department is organised into eight research and didactic units.
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Plesso di via D'Azeglio - Chiostro

Via D’Azeglio Complex

Via Massimo D'Azeglio, 85 - 43125 Parma
Find out moreVia D’Azeglio Complex