Plesso di Borgo Carssimi - Cortile e ingresso principale

The Psychological and Social Studies Unit is characterised by the joining of multiple perspectives oriented to the analysis of individual, relational, social and institutional processes, in different contexts of the life of individuals and of groups, and in light of changes in contemporary society.

The core interests on which the various Areas of Study (Psychology, Sociology, Political Doctrines, Law) that comprise the Unit meet, deal with forms of subjectivity and communication: the interconnection of individual, interpersonal, social and political processes; the relationship between genre and generation; the dynamics of inclusion/exclusion; the typical and atypical developmental processes in the circle of life; educational relationships and connections with treatment; the representation of self and the construction of identity; political processes and their theoretical elaborations; ongoing changes in the ethnic and religious composition of the population, and the inter-group and intercultural dynamics linked with them. The research is carried out according to various quantitative and qualitative methodologies with particular attention to theoretical and epistemological aspects of research.

Services and Facilities

Punto di servizio della biblioteca

The offices of the professors and the technical and administrative staff are located inside the Borgo Carisimi complex.

The Psychological and Social Studies Unit makes use of the Psychology and Socio-Pedagogical Library, whose Front Office is located on the ground floor in B.go Carisismi 10, with a reading room.

Didactic activities are carried out inside the classrooms of the Borgo Carissimi complex and in the adjacent Polo Didattico in Strada Del Prato, where there is also a computer room with 60 workstations.

There are three laboratories dedicated to research in the psychological field: a laboratory for observation, one for the study of language and one for Social Psychology.

A computer room with 10 workstations, which is found in the attic room, is used by PhD students and professors for research.

Course Catalogue

The Social Psychology Unit of the Department of Humanities, Social Sciences and Cultural Industries offers the following degree programme:

First and second level Masters in Applied Behaviour Analysis (A.B.A.) and a Research Doctorate in Psychology are also available.

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The Department is organised into eight research and didactic units.
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