Chiostro del Plesso di via D'Azeglio

This Unit carries on in the tradition of two previous Departments: the Department of Classics, Modern Languages, Education, Philosophy and the Department of Classical and Medieval Philology.

Organisation of the Unit is determined by different subjects of study and their relationship to Greek and Latin language and literature, classical philology, ancient Christian literature and medieval and humanistic Latin literature.

Competence in the field of Classics is achieved through a particular focus on method and context, thanks also to the contribution of archaeological studies of the classical period.

Classics Unit aims at giving value to individual research within the different SSDs (scientific disciplinary sectors) but also promotes the development of a variety of subjects.

The Laboratorio Centro Studi Catulliani (the Catullan Study Centre Laboratory - C.S.C.) is part of this Unit and the professors of the Classics belong to it. It represents a segment of advanced research of their philological literary competence. The aim of this Laboratory is to promote international collaboration and enhance codicological, written and instrumental heritage.

Classics students and faculty also work actively with the Third Mission by establishing agreements and memoranda of understanding. The plan is to continue collaboration with high schools (orientation activities, shared projects, dual training system learning and working), to promote study and research with Esperanto, the S.F.E.R.A. Project and other archaeological programmes of the Emilia-Romagna region. These projects combine scientific research and activities on the ground, in an attempt to re-evaluate the territory, also from an economic point of view.

Services and Facilities

Plesso di via D'Azeglio - Corridoio Unità di Antichistica

The academic and scientific activities associated with Classics take place in the Via D’Azeglio Complex. The offices of the professors and technical/administrative staff are located in a in wings on the 1st floor where the following services are available:

  • the Sezione di Filologia Classica e Medievale of the Paolotti Humanities Library. Thanks to written and electronic resources, it provides users with editions and comments of Greek, Latin, Christian and medieval authors, essential hermeneutical tools (lexicon, grammars, encyclopaedias), essays on various aspects of ancient civilisation, source materials and essays about Archaeology and the history of Classical Art, manuals and literary essays. A section of the library is dedicated solely to science magazines.
  • a computer laboratory
  • a microfilm library
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The Department is organised into eight research and didactic units.
Find out moreUnits
Plesso di via D'Azeglio - Chiostro

Via D’Azeglio Complex

Via Massimo D'Azeglio, 85 - 43125 Parma
Find out moreVia D’Azeglio Complex