Mercoledì 6 novembre alle ore 16 e giovedì 7 novembre alle ore 10, nell'Aula Frege del Plesso di via D'Azeglio (via D'Azeglio 85, Unità di Filosofia - terzo piano)Federica Gregoratto (Università di St. Gallen) terrà due lezioni dedicate al tema Aesthetic experience and its feminist implications: John Dewey and Charlotte Perkins Gilman.

L'evento rientra tra le iniziative del Seminario Pragmatista di Parma / Seminario di Filosofia politica e sociale e tra le attività formative del Dottorato in Scienze filologico-letterarie, storico-filosofiche e artistiche coordinato da Italo Testa.

What is an experience? Who does ‘have’ (or ‘undergo’) an experience and which kind of things can we experience? What are the conditions and consequences of an experience? In one of his most groundbreaking works, Art as Experience, the American philosopher John Dewey outlines answers that are worth considering for a number of reasons. In particular, we will concentrate on the ways in which his original notion of aesthetic experience does contribute to overcome a series of dualisms that are deeply rooted in the Western philosophical tradition as well as in Western society: body vs. mind, passivity vs. activity, emotions vs. reasons, reception (or consumption) vs. production, etc. Moreover, we will discuss whether such a perspective might be useful for conceiving of individual and societal transformation with regard to gender oppression. Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s short story “The Yellow Wallpaper” – a feminist classics – will serve as our test bed in this context. 

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