
Digital Critical Editions and Greek Literary Manuscripts, 23 May 2022, 9:30AM–12PM / 2:30–5:30PM (CET)

In the fifth Project Conference (ENCODE experts will discuss current state and future perspectives of digital scholarly editions of Greek manuscripts and artifacts, presenting existing projects, public engagement and technical challenges.

Registration for participation online or in presence by 18.05.2022 (


The Project Conference will be followed by the ENCODE Digital Papyrology Workshop (May 24-27, 2022, which will be held in presence at the University of Parma.

The Workshop will offer an intensive training in Digital Papyrology and Leiden+ syntax and an introduction to Linguistic Annotation of Greek documentary papyri, with the presentation of projects and specific issues.

To participate in the workshop send to Marta Legnini ( an e-mail containing: 

  • name, qualification and affiliation (if any)
  • brief description of your interest in participating
  • CV with previous experiences in studying ancient languages, papyrology and digital humanities.
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